Thursday, May 17, 2007


My riding has changed a lot in the past year. There's a lot I want to say to get caught up, but first I just want to talk about the horse I'm riding now, Splash. He was named that because one of the girls was treating his feet with bleach (to keep them from getting thrush, which is like really yucky athlete's foot for horses). Then she noticed he had some little white spots on neck and withers, and she was afriad she'd gotten bleach on him. She hadn't -- he came that way. Hence -- Splash.

He's a sweet horse. He is nothing like the horse who's eye is over to the right, which is a somewhat worried horse. Splash is very open and affectionate. When he first came, I walked down once to the paddock he was in to give him a carrot, and when he looked at me, I just felt this intense connection. Probably at the time he was lonely, he's gotten more used to the place, he's been there a while.

He likes to nibble on things, including people. A couple of weeks ago he bit my finger. It was really just a very gentle squeeze, like firm pressure in a vise, and I could see that if I were a horse, I would relaly like it, but as it was, I would rather keep my finger! A little bruise under the nail, that was all, and now it's gone.


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