Migraine Series

This was actually done on August 13th. I'd had a massage and it brought up a lot of tension. I got a terrible migraine and lay in bed most of the day. One good thing was, I managed not to hate myself for having a migraine -- I finally figured out that if I was going to feel horrible anyway, I might as well be kind to myself while it was happening. Because that part I have some control over, even though I can't control the pain.

I don't know that I felt any better after doing this, but at least I have a record of where I was. It's like my friend Lee said a long time ago -- when you're sick you can't imagine being anything else, and when you're well, you can't remember what it is like to be sick. (Or, as Virginia Woolf said, "we cannot quote Shakespeare to describe a headache.) When I look at these I do think I've described that headache a bit.
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