Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse -- Always a Crowd Pleaser

The Weekly World News has the best coverage of the upcoming rapture: Four Horsemen Killing the Competition -- at Polo Clubs

Another experienced player says: "Pestilence in particular rode a superb mount that lasted throughout every game. The Four Horsemen didn't need a string of ponies, they did very well with just one horse."

The Four Horsemen have appeared on Earth several times through history -- usually before wars break out -- as prophesied in the Bible's frighteningly accurate Book of Revelation. They have been spotted with increasing frequency since the United States invaded Iraq, most recently at the polo club in Dallas.

This seems to be a follow-on to a previous article Bible's Four Horsemen Ask for Directions in Paris.

Meanwhile, in Britain, there is a stunt crew/horse show called the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (See picture at the top right.)

Other representations abound, from the fanciful one by Durer to the more recent one of our homegrown product.


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